All Risk Policy

All Risk Policy

Why the All-Risk cover would be perfect for you?

When your business thrives beyond its premises, standard protection offered by other policies may not be enough. Our All-Risk insurance bridges the gap, protecting essential portable assets like laptops, cameras, and personal items, whether you're making strides in Kenya, advancing in East Africa, or breaking barriers worldwide.

  • Worldwide Protection: Our cover ensures your business tools are safe whether your operations are local, regional, or global.
  • Tailored to Fit: We offer a flexible solution for every business scale, from innovative startups to global conglomerates.
  • Transparent Coverage: Knowledge is power. With a clear understanding of included and excluded risks, you're always in control.



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More about the product

  • Peace of Mind on the Move: Travel or work worry-free, knowing your portable items are comprehensively protected.
  • Tailored for All: Whether you're a freelancer, a corporate professional, or a traveler, our cover suits businesses and individuals of every size.
  • Clear Exclusions: No hidden surprises. We're transparent about what's not covered, ensuring you make an informed decision.
  • Basis of Valuation: New items are covered at their total value. For older items, we offer fair value with depreciation in mind.

Insurance covers losses arising from fortuity. A loss must be accidental or unexpected. An incident/event is certain that it will happen is not insurable e.g. wear and tear.

New for old cover provides for replacement of damaged, stolen, or damaged items with new ones of equivalent value e.g. if a laptop model X is stolen or damaged, the insurer will replace it with the same model (not a higher one) or the equivalent of the same value. The sum insured must be maintained at the reinstatement value per item insured. Indemnity on the other hand provides for the depreciation of an item based on its age.

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