Fire Consequential Loss

Fire Consequential Loss

5 reasons your business needs Fire Consequential Loss Insurance:

Our Fire Consequential Loss insurance goes beyond traditional fire coverage, safeguarding your business' financial health after a disaster strikes. This policy acts as your financial shield, ensuring your business emerges stronger.

  • Beyond the Flames: Covers not just fire, but lightning, natural disasters, riots, and other disruptions, ensuring broader protection.
  • Profit Guardian: Safeguards your income stream, covering lost gross profits even when operations are stopped, keeping your business afloat.
  • Employee Peace of Mind: Guarantees wages and salaries are paid on time, even during recovery, maintaining employee morale and stability.
  • Unexpected Expenses Covered: Handles increased operational costs like temporary relocation or equipment repair, minimizing financial burdens or alternative cost of working
  • Smoother Recovery: Enables seamless business continuity by minimizing financial impact and aiding faster, less stressful post-disaster bounce-back and covers claim preparation costs

What are the benefits you gain?

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Protects against a wide range of disruptions, maximizing your security.
  • Profit Preservation: Ensures your income stream continues even after a loss.
  • Employee Security: Guarantees employees receive their salaries on time preventing loss of skilled staff
  • Operational Buffer: Covers increased costs incurred during recovery.
  • Seamless Business Continuity: Minimizes financial impact and aids faster recovery.



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Relevant Documents and Forms

More about the Product

The policy covers losses incurred due to business interruption following the occurrence of :

• Fire

• Lightning

• Standard Explosion / Implosion

• Malicious Damage

• Riot and Strikes

• Impact Damage

• Bush Fire

• Earthquake

• Storm, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest, Hurricane, Tornado, Flood and Inundation

• Bursting and/or over owing of Water Tanks, Apparatus and Pipes

This policy does not admit any claim unless there's a corresponding material damage claim under a fire policy

Completed proposal form

Copy of insured ID (for individuals) or Certificate of Incorporation (for corporates)

Copy of PIN certificate