Legacy Funeral Cover

Legacy Funeral Cover

4 Legacy Plan features for you

  • Versatility of an Individual or Family Package.
  • Customizable benefits to best suit your needs and budget.
  • An inclusive age range of up to 65 can opt for the Individual Package up to 70 for the Family Package.
  • Inclusivity ensures protection for a spouse and up to six children below 18 years and optional Parent Cover.



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More about the product

Losing someone close to us is a challenging time, and the last thing we want is to worry about finances. The Legacy Plan offers a reliable solution that focuses on helping you take care of the expenses associated with funeral arrangements so you can focus on what matters most - cherishing the memories of your loved one.

  • Versatile Coverage: Opt for the Individual or Family Package, with the flexibility to include parent cover under both options.
  • Customized Benefits: Select from our silver, gold, platinum, or diamond packages to best suit your needs and budget. Individual Package premiums start at Ksh. 400 per month, while Family Package premiums start at Ksh. 680 monthly.
  • Inclusive Age Range: Individuals up to 65 can opt for the Individual Package, while the Family Package accommodates those up to 70.
  • Expansive Family Inclusion: With the Family Package, ensure protection for a spouse and up to six children below 18 years. Our Parent Cover also extends protection to parents and parents-in-law.

  • Personalised Payouts: Dictate how you'd like to utilize the payout, offering flexibility unseen in most funeral plans.
  • Maandalizi Support: An additional 50% of the sum assured is disbursed for added assistance if the primary member or spouse passes.
  • Family First: In case of the primary member or spouse's demise, the family receives an extra 20% of the sum.
  • Wholesome Family Protection: Safeguard up to six children and four parents, enveloping your entire family in a protective shield.
  • Double Assurance: Accidental deaths of the primary member or spouse lead to double the sum assured.
  • Support through Impairment: Accidental impairments of primary members or spouses trigger up to a 100% sum assured payout.
  • Adaptable Payments: Premiums can be paid annually, semi-annually, quarterly, or monthly at your convenience.
  • Save on Premiums: Discounts of up to 10% on annual, 5% on semi-annual, and 3% on quarterly premium payments.
  • Tax Benefits: Annual insurance relief of 15% of gross premiums or KES 60,000, whichever is more favourable.

You can choose a package that meets your needs and budget. The Individual Package offers coverage worth Ksh. 100,000 for only Ksh. 400 monthly, while Family Plans start at only Ksh. 680 for Ksh. 100,000 worth of coverage.

1. Accidental Benefit

If the main member or spouse is involved in an accident, there is a possibility that their livelihood will be seriously compromised. Should this happen, family members will be distraught and burdened financially as accidents are often associated with high costs.

This benefit is designed to contribute towards medical expenses and caters for a loss of income if you or your spouse are unable to work. The accidental benefit covers you and your spouse for both accidental disability and accidental loss of life.

1.1. Accidental Disability Benefit

100% of the benefit level selected will be paid on the following conditions:

  • Permanent loss of sight in both eyes
  • Permanent loss of hearing in both ears
  • Permanent loss of speech
  • Loss of use of two or more limbs (including paraplegia, diplegia and hemiplegia)
  • Major burns

50% of the benefit level selected will be paid on the following conditions:

  • Permanent loss of sight in one eye
  • Permanent loss of hearing in one ear
  • Loss of use of one limb (includes other forms of diplegia)
  • Amputation of all fingers, including thumbs on both hands
  • Amputation of all toes, including big toes on both feet

1.2. Accidental Loss of Life Benefit

If the main member or spouse dies due to an accident, an additional amount, equal to the cover selected, is payable.

For example: If you have selected cover for Ksh. 100.000, an additional Ksh. 100,000 will be paid out if death is due to an accident.

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