Motor Insurance

Motor Insurance

Why our Motor Cover will work for you

  • Tailored for You: our cover is designed to meet your requirements, providing the perfect fit for your vehicle.
  • Complete Protection: we offer a range of coverage options to protect you against various risks and uncertainties.
  • Peace of mind: with our motor cover, you can drive confidently, knowing that you have reliable insurance backing you up.
  • Affordable Options: we provide competitive rates and flexible payment plans to make insurance accessible to everyone. 
  • At Your Fingertips: Our motor cover can be bought instantly via our online platform.



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More about the product

Covers are available for the following categories of vehicles;

  • Private Cars:These will include Saloons, Station wagons, Estates, and the large Four Wheel Drives (4X4). The key aspect of these vehicles is that they must be used for social, domestic and pleasure purposes only.
  • Commercial vehicles:These will range from small half ton pick ups to the large monster trucks on the roads. They will also include vans and company/school buses. The key aspect here is that the vehicles must only be used for the insured business only and will exclude all usage for hire or reward e.g. taxis, matatus and any general carriage of goods for reward. Carriage of passengers is usually excluded in this class but can be bought back at a modest fee.
  • Motor Cycles: Used for the insured business only
  • Other vehicles: These will include agricultural type vehicles of tractors, combine harvesters, construction vehicles of graders and shovels, to emergency response vehicles of ambulances, fire tenders etc.

For each category of vehicle, three types of covers can be purchased:

  1. Third Party Only (TPO): This is the basic and minimum cover available. It provides for liability to third parties only in respect of bodily injury and damage to third party property. It is the mandatory cover that a motorist should have.
  2. Third Party Fire and Theft (TPF&T): In addition to the TPO cover above, this cover extends cover the insured’s vehicle against the risks of fire and theft, including partial theft.
  3. Comprehensive: This is a superior cover to all the others as in addition to TPF&T, it extends to cover any other accidental damage to the vehicles including collision, overturning, effects of floods, Earthquakes etc.

  • Tailored for You: our cover is designed to meet your requirements, providing the perfect fit for your vehicle.
  • Complete Protection: we offer a range of coverage options to protect you against various risks and uncertainties.
  • Peace of mind: with our motor cover, you can drive confidently, knowing that you have reliable insurance backing you up.
  • Affordable Options: we provide competitive rates and flexible payment plans to make insurance accessible to everyone. 
  • At Your Fingertips: Our motor cover can be bought instantly via our online platform.

  1. Completed and signed proposal form by the proposer.
  2. Copy of the logbook or importation documents (if the risk/vehicle is newly acquired/registered locally). Where a logbook has not been processed, we shall issue cover for up to 3 (three) months only.
  3. Copy of proposer’s national identification card. For non-Kenyans, a copy of a passport or Alien ID card is acceptable.
  4. The proposer/insured must be the registered owner of the motor vehicle.
  5. Copy of KRA PIN certificate for both individual and corporate customers.
  6. Corporate Entities: Certificate of incorporation and CR12 for companies. For non-incorporated companies, a copy of a legal document on registration of entity.

  1. The vehicle should be less than 15 (fifteen) years from the year of manufacture.
  2. Minimum vehicle value of Kshs. 500,000/=
  3. Full premium payment.
  4. Annual valuation.

  1. Duly completed and signed claim form
  2. Police Abstract
  3. Copy of driver’s driving licence
  4. Copy of the driver’s KRA PIN
  5. Copy of your ID
  6. Copy of your KRA PIN or certificate of incorporation
  7. Copy of the Logbook

Relevant Documents and Forms

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