Public Liability

Public Liability

5 Ways to ensure your business stays protected with Public Liability Insurance 

  • Broad Coverage: Protection against legal liability resulting from accidental death or bodily injury to third parties. It also Provides coverage for any loss or damage to third-party property due to insured negligence.
  • Defense Costs: In the event of a legal suit, the policy covers the expenses for defending the insured and any court-awarded damages.
  • Geographical Flexibility: Coverage applies to incidents within the business premises or a predefined geographical location where the insured carries out their business operations.
  • Product Liability Extension: Manufacturers can extend the policy to cover liabilities related to their products. This can be considered at an additional premium.
  • Determining Your Cover Limit: Your business is unique, and so should your liability cover. Determine your optimal limit by assessing the following:
  • Nature of Your Business: Different sectors pose varying levels of risks.
  • Customer Profile: Understanding the profile of your customers or guests can guide the potential claim sizes.
  • Operational Hazards: Assess potential hazards your business operations might pose to third parties.



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More about the product

The Public Liability protects an insured person or organization against their legal liability to members of the public (third parties) arising from;

  • Death or bodily injury to third parties
  • Loss of or damage to third party property

 Arising out of and in the course of the insured’s normal business within the premises or a defined geographical location. The policy will also cover the costs of defending any suit brought against the insured (defense costs), in addition to any award that may be made against the insured by a court of law.

The insured chooses a limit of cover, which in their opinion is adequate to protect themselves against any lawsuits. In determining this limit, consideration will be made by the insured of the nature of their operations/business, type and profile of their usual guests/customers and the degree of hazard/exposure posed by their premises/operations to third parties.

The policy can also be extended to include product’s liability for manufacturing concerns.

In all circumstances, negligence on the part of the insured must be proved before the policy can pay any award.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Provides extensive protection covering both bodily injuries and property damages.
  • Legal Safety Net: Ensures you're covered for legal repercussions, providing peace of mind.
  • Flexible Scope: Ideal for all individuals or companies operating at specified locations.
  • Cost-Efficiency: The policy covers defence costs, preventing unexpected expenses from legal battles.

Note: For any insurance payout, it is necessary to prove the insured's negligence.

No. The policy covers third-party liabilities attributable to Insured negligence. If insured employees in the execution of their duty do something that results to injury to a third Party or loss of their properties, the aggrieved party can claim for compensation from the insured. PL policy will respond to this claim. Bodily injury to insured employees is not covered under this policy.

No. This is the subject of another insurance Policy. Property damage and personal injury sued as a consequence of the defective work will be covered, however, the costs of rectifying the defective work will not be covered.

Public liability Insurance isn’t compulsory by law, but many Businesses decide that they need it to protect themselves from crippling compensation costs, and also to satisfy the requirements of potential clients.

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