WIBA - Workers Injury Insurance

WIBA - Workers Injury Insurance

Why WIBA Protection is perfect for your organisation?

Prioritise the safety and well-being of your workforce with our tailored Work Injury Benefits Act (WIBA) Protection. Aligned with the Work Injury Benefits Act, 2007, our plan offers you, the employer, a comprehensive shield against potential liabilities. All while ensuring the security of your team's earnings and heal

  • Legal Alignment: Stay compliant and updated with the Work Injury Benefits Act, 2007.
  • Tailored Rates: Premiums are adjusted based on occupation and projected yearly earnings of each team member.
  • Robust Benefits: Offering comprehensive benefits from death protection to medical expenses, we've got you covered.



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More about the product

Our Work Injury Benefits Act (WIBA) Protection provides for compensation to employees for work related injuries and diseases contracted in the course of their employment in line with Work Injury Benefits Act, 2007.

  • Legal Alignment: Stay compliant and updated with the Work Injury Benefits Act, 2007.
  • Tailored Rates: Premiums are adjusted based on occupation and projected yearly earnings of each team member.
  • Robust Benefits: Offering comprehensive benefits from death protection to medical expenses, we've got you covered.

The Acts defines the benefits payable. We have aligned our policy as follows:

  • Death benefit: Secure 96 months of earnings.
  • Permanent Total Disability: Receive up to 96 months of earnings based on specified criteria in the Work Injury Benefits Act, 2007.
  • Temporary Disability: Covered for actual weekly earnings up to 52 weeks.
  • Medical Coverage: Up to Kshs.100,000 per person.
  • Funeral Expenses: Assistance up to Kshs.30,000 per person.

Coverage Limits:

  • Per Person: Up to Kshs.10 million.
  • Per Event: Up to Kshs.25 million.
  • Annual Cap: Up to Kshs.50 million.

Note: These limits can be enhanced based on your preferences.

No, it is an ACT with defined benefits that the business may decide to insure or retain the risk.

No. Workers’ compensation insurance is part of the business cost.

Upon the Insured paying an extra premiums the WIBA benefits are extended to cover duty and pleasure and on 24 hour basis

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